When opening the envelop I found a card with a kind (typewritten) message thanking me for taking the quiz on their website. With the card came a handsome cardboard box with an elegant label on it. The box contained, smartly laid out on a velvety surface ... a fashionable keyring containing some sand from the Loire River banks.
There also was a parchement-like note saying: "Real Loire River sand. A gift from Touraine to help you dream of your holiday."
Call me sentimental, call me silly, but since that day that keyring goes with me where ever I go. My house and car keys are attached to it. It helps me to keep the dream alive when I'm stuck in a traffic jam!
Do you want to own a keyring with real Loire Valley sand? Check in to www.tourism-touraine.com and take the quiz!
Hi Martine, I can't see the quiz on the website but I did find a fascinating piece about Le Grand Pressigny. (If you're interested, click on the chateau page, then on Le G P and you can take a look around the inside of the chateau and see some of the refurbishments.) Where did you take the quiz. One of those keyrings is a must-have accessory !!
Hi Jean, Thanks for the tip about le Grand Pressigny. You'll find the quiz by clicking on 'Goodies' in the down right corner. On the top right of the page that will open, you'll see 'quiz'. Although it's multiple choice, some of the questions are quite tricky. Good luck. Martine
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