Candes Saint-Martin, my favourite spot in La Touraine.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

The second day of summer

Summer has arrived, and so has the rain. So, to make up for the lousy weather, I'm posting a photo I wanted to post a photo I shot in September 2008 in the French Alsace. These pretty butterflies live in the 'Jardin des Papillons' of Hunawihr, near the picturesque village of Riquewihr.

# Well, this is where the photo should have been,
but blogger is playing up again and won't post it.
Anyone else having trouble uploading photos? #  

Of course, they looked a lot more colourful and pretty with their wings open, but for some obscure reason they always closed them as soon as they saw me moving in with my camera. To see some really pretty pictures of 'Jardin's' population of Lepidoptera (the order of the butterflies - "Thank you Wikipedia") and other critters living in this indoor garden, just click here.


GaynorB said...
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GaynorB said...

Well it rained here on both the first and second day of summer. I hope it isn't the sign of things to come .........

Mark said...

Martine, Blogger was driving me nuts today.
For right now, here is how you have to do it.
Go to Settings and under Editor, click Old Editor. Then it will allow you to upload your photos. But if you want to adjust the size of them, you will need to go back and click New Editor and then save it at the bottom. Even after that, you'll still see that it's hard to move your photos around to fit.

Good Luck!
Happy Summer!

Leon Sims said...

Martine - how frustrating.
Blogger gets cranky occasionally and seems to have a mind of its own.
I'm finding it difficult to post a comment on some sites. It continually askes for my email and password. The result is no result...

ladybird said...

Gaynor, Right now the sun is shining but there are dark clouds lurking in the distance. More rain is predicted for today and the weekend. However, next week we should have temperatures around 30°C!

Mark, Thank you so much. It worked! However, I hope Blogger will be on its feet again soon!

Leon, There is a way to get around the comment problem too. Un-tick the 'stay signed-in' box and you should have no problems posting comments.