This title should attract some readers, shouldn't it? There is 'Mini-Europe', of course, on the 1958-ties World Exhibition site in Brussels. This is the only place in the world where you can can catch the Eiffel tower, the Arc the Triomphe and the Brussels' Atomium in just one snapshot!
The Atomium in the background is actually 1/1 size. The other monuments are miniature replica that are part of the Mini Europe parc in Brussels. They even have a nice replica of the famous Loire Valley castle of Chenonceau.
Hard to distinguish it from the real thing, isn't it? But the people in the background just show you how tiny it is. I didn't shoot the above photos myself, but borrowed them from the internet.
The next photo is one of mine, though ...
This is the 'Mini-Paris' baguette from our local baker. I put in the red pen to give you an idea of the actual size of the mini version of the famous French baguette. In France it would be called a 'ficelle', I guess. Dear French friends and readers, please correct me if I'm wrong!
I guess our Flemish village isn't ready for the word 'ficelle' (= fine cord) yet. A Mini Paris sounds so much better ... By the way, it is really delicious and today we got two for the price of one, because it is 'customer day' here in Belgium. For the last decades, the last Saturday of September is the day on which shopkeepers all over the place give their customers a token of their appreciation for their loyalty. In the past, Saturday shopping meant coming home with five or six red roses, depending on how many shops you went to. Nowadays, shopkeepers tend to give more 'personalized' presents ... This extra free Mini-Paris is more than welcome!
I think a ficelle would be thinner than that. IMHO this is a baguette.
In my youth they used to say that Bruxelles was a small Paris. Un petit Paris.
They do look tasty!
Chm, In the meantime Brussels has become the capital of Europe ... But Paris will always remain La Ville Lumière ... A much nicer title, I'm sure you will agree.
Carolyn, They are delicious. Unfortunately they were sold out by the time I arrived at the bakery yesterday. Note to myself: order them in advance :)
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