Candes Saint-Martin, my favourite spot in La Touraine.

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Blinded by the light

Last night, around sunset I shot this photo. The setting sun was low over the main road that runs through our village. The intense yellow light was really blinding. 

The evening sky was spectacular. Several shades of blue intermingling with lace-like clouds and dissolving plane tracks. The photo doesn't do it justice. I wonder what it would look like in an open field, without the buildings blocking the view.

Maybe I should have cropped it differently? Like this ...

Or this ...

But then you would have missed the patch of blue ...

I was glad not to be in my car driving into the sunset. I noticed that most of the cars driving up to road were slowing down at a point where they usually start picking up speed.

Today is sunny and warm. Our weatherman Frank thinks that we will break an all-time temperature record. Never before temperatures up to 20°C have been recorded on All Saints' Day, November 1st. I remember the 60-ties and 70-ties, going to the cemetery with my cousins to visit the tombs of our grandparents, in freezing cold temperatures. We wore heavy winter coats, boots, bonnets, scarves and gloves ... and yet, we still felt cold. 

The best part was coming back home where my mother and her brother where baking pancakes for us youngsters. The aromas coming from the small kitchen in the tiny flat where my parents and I lived in those days, was utterly delicious. The six of us, my five cousins and myself squeezed around the small dining room table to gobble down the piles of pancakes that miraculously appeared from the kitchen ... Today there won't be pancakes. I think we'll have ice cream instead!


Carolyn said...

Beautiful sky.

Let's hang on to warm weather as long as we can.

The days are getting so much shorter and tonight we set the clocks back here in the US.

But only 7 weeks till the days start to get longer!

chm said...

Personnaly, I like the first photo best.

GaynorB said...

I agree with CHM, the first is my favourite.

The Autumn weather in the Loire valley has certainly been a revelation, and it has certainly eased us into retirement. We hope to catch up with you in 2015.

Yesterday (2/11) signalled a change. Although still mild it is cloudy and overcast.

Hope all is well with you and your mother.

Bob said...

great photo. sunrises and sunsets make beautiful photos. Glad you're having good weather. We are finally getting some cooler weather.

Leon Sims said...

I'm actually intrigued by your blog title Matine. One of my favourite songs by Bruce Springsteen and later recorded by Manfred Mann Earth Band.
Still here in the Loire for another three weeks.

ladybird said...

Caroly, The eternal optimist :) But you are right. Just a few more weeks, and we will be getting more daylight again.

Chm, Thank you. So do I. And yet it doesn't do justice to the real thing.

Gaynor, Weather is so unpredictable these days. Yesterday I needed a winter coat. Today, it's even too warm for a fleece jacket. My mother is fine, though getting on in years and getting a bit anxious about things to come. Thank you for asking.

Bob, They do, don't they .. sunsets I mean. I read on the internet that N & S Carolina already had some snow. Not Georgia though?

Leon, I think I remember the MMEB version best. But I may be wrong. Great song whoever the artist was/is.