That's what the county of Kent - it is a county, isn't it (please correct me if I'm wrong) - is called. I guess you could consider it being Britain's equivalent to the Loire Valley in France, the latter being commonly referred to as 'Le Jardin de France'!
During my drive through the countryside with Mats I noticed some nice orchards and "pick-your-own" strawberry fields (no Beatles in sight!), but the most intriguing 'fruits' I saw were these in Charing:
.. and these
Sue quickly figured out what the first were. The second remain a mystery, though. They look like capers, but are way to big for that. The second option is figs. But I can't imagine figs growing in the English climat. So what are these two veggies/fruits according to you?
To be honest, I know what the first ones are called in French, but at loss when it comes to the English name. I could look it up, of course, but it's so much easier to ask you. Especially as I spend most of my working hours browsing through dictionaries.
The second 'fruit' is a complete mystery, though ...
Since I am not a farmer, I would say the first photo is of a green bean or pea. The second sure looks like a fig.
You didn't at least pull one of each and look inside??
The second sure looks like a fig to me too Martine. I think it's the shape of the leaves which really lead me to believe that. And yes you're quite right about it being known as the "garden of England". That's global warming for you!
100% sure it's a fig. They can grow in sheltered areas in the south of the UK. Thye have some pretty good vineyards too in Kent producing sparkling white wines to rival "you know where" in France.
The first are broad beans(what are they in French?) and yes the second is a fig tree. They do grow in England but I'm not sure if the fruit would ripen.
County is the correct word Martine.
I'm three hours north of the Kent coast and picked figs from the garden to eat with some local goat's cheese this evening. Last year I made several fig tarts. And the first photograph certainly look like broad beans (feve). Sharon
Broad beans and figs from me too.
Figs I love, broad beans are one of the few vegetables I don't eat!
Bob, No they were on private ground and I was afraid that someone would set the dogs on me :)
Craig, Pretty soon you'll be growing oranges in Scotland!
N&A, Nowadays vineyards are not uncommon in Belgium either and some have already produced some award winning wines.
Veronica, Broad beans are called 'fèves des marais' in French. I quite like them ... in small quantities though.
Sharon, Welcome and thank you for posting a comment. Mmmm, figs with goat cheese! Yummy. Shall I give you my address? :)
Gynor, I like broad beans, nicely shelled and hardly boiled, so that they remain nice and crunchy. However, they are hard to find in Belgium. You can sometimes find them frozen, but that's not the real thing!
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