Candes Saint-Martin, my favourite spot in La Touraine.

Sunday, 28 December 2014


We've had our first snow of the year! Hence the new header. It snowed last night, but then the rain came in and washed it away.

But since 2 p.m. temperatures have dropped below freezing point. Half an hour ago there were a few centimetres on my balcony. Wonder what it will look like tomorrow morning?

Update: Dec. 28th, 6 a.m.So this it what the road in front of my apartment looked like.

Shelters for the homeless have been opened tonight. I hope they will all find a warm meal and bed.


chm said...

In Virginia we've had some flakes two or three weeks ago, but nothing to write home about. I can't say I'm looking forward to more of that white stuff, but what can I do? Move to the Carribeans?
Hope this snow, and cold, wont't hamper your going to and from work.

Carolyn said...

Snow! Isn't it exciting! Once.

The Beaver said...


It is le Monde à l'envers.
It was 9C on Christmas day and now most of the snow that we had 2 weeks ago is long gone. Rabbits are coming in the backyard looking for grass and whatever they can eat from the plates-bandes.

ladybird said...

Chm, The snow is gone now and I don't to go into the office until Jan 5th. Hope it'll stay dry and snow-less. Thank you for your concern.

Carolyn, Like you said ... exciting for a while, when you don't need to go out. Sunny and cold today. Rain expected by Friday.

TB, Comme tu dis. Take care of those little bunnies! They have to last till Easter, you know ;).