TB, Thank you from both of us! All the best to you too.
Chm, Merci de sa part! I'm pretty sure she will love it, although it will take some time getting used to.
Susan, Same to you and Simon. I hope his sight is completely restored now.
Veronica, Merci. My mother enjoyed meeting you and Sue last spring. She sends her best wishes too.
Bob, Thank you! Hope your back won't give you any trouble in 2015.
Carolyn, Merci - take care! I have no real travelling plans yet. I'll wait and see how my mum is settling in. Btw, did you receive my Christmas card? I sent it in a red envelope and I'm afraid the address written in blue may have been rejected by the automatic postal systems.
Martine, we didn't receive your card. I do appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending one to us. I'm sorry we didn't receive it, but on the other hand, I (and all your readers) get a "card" from you on many days, so we're always in touch.
Carolyn, I should have known the red envelope was a bad idea! Ages ago I was told that if you didn't want anybody to make a photocopy of a text page, you should print it on red paper, because the text couldn't be copied or scanned. That's probably what happened. D... I have two other red envelope cards on their way to the UK! Thank you for telling me. Next time, I'll use a white address label :) Sorry!!
Bonne Année Martine as well as to your Maman,
Happiness, Health and Prosperity.
i'd say the same as my Canadian Cousin. Hope your mother is going to enjoy fully her new surroundings. Happy New Year to you both.
Happy New Year. May it bring peace, happiness and health.
Happy New Year Martine and to your mother, good health and happiness to you both.
wish you a happy, prosperous, and healthy new year!!!
Martine, we wish you and your mother all the best for 2015. I hope you get to the Loire this year (and blog about it!).
TB, Thank you from both of us! All the best to you too.
Chm, Merci de sa part! I'm pretty sure she will love it, although it will take some time getting used to.
Susan, Same to you and Simon. I hope his sight is completely restored now.
Veronica, Merci. My mother enjoyed meeting you and Sue last spring. She sends her best wishes too.
Bob, Thank you! Hope your back won't give you any trouble in 2015.
Carolyn, Merci - take care! I have no real travelling plans yet. I'll wait and see how my mum is settling in. Btw, did you receive my Christmas card? I sent it in a red envelope and I'm afraid the address written in blue may have been rejected by the automatic postal systems.
Martine, we didn't receive your card. I do appreciate your thoughtfulness in sending one to us. I'm sorry we didn't receive it, but on the other hand, I (and all your readers) get a "card" from you on many days, so we're always in touch.
Carolyn, I should have known the red envelope was a bad idea! Ages ago I was told that if you didn't want anybody to make a photocopy of a text page, you should print it on red paper, because the text couldn't be copied or scanned. That's probably what happened. D... I have two other red envelope cards on their way to the UK! Thank you for telling me. Next time, I'll use a white address label :) Sorry!!
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